BEIJING - The China Society for Human Rights Studies on Tuesday published an article, laying bare the harsh reality of the serious division between the rich and the poor in the United States under the cover of its overall prosperity.
The growing division between the rich and the poor in the United States has further highlighted and exacerbated the existing social and economic inequality within the US society, reducing people at the bottom to a more difficult situation, according to the article titled "The Growing Division Between the Rich and the Poor Leading to Increasingly Severe Human Rights Issues in the United States."
The United States has a high level of income polarisation, according to the article, noting that the size of its middle class continues to shrink, while its poverty rates remain high.
The wealth of the top 0.1 percent US households equaled the wealth of the bottom 90 percent of the US households, according to a report quoted by the article.
The United States has a high level of income polarisation, according to the article, noting that the size of its middle class continues to shrink, while its poverty rates remain high
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The United States has the widest gap between the rich and the poor among all Western countries, with tens of millions of US citizens living in poverty, the article quoted a United Nations special rapporteur report as saying, noting the rapid transformation of the American Dream into the "American Illusion."
The article noted that nearly half of US households are unable to maintain an adequate standard of living, low-income groups are faced with the threat of hunger and cannot enjoy equal opportunities for education, the homeless are living in poor conditions, and poor children and single mothers have a hard time in the United States.
The poverty-induced stress makes Americans suffer from deterioration in their overall health, and those who have lost their medical insurance due to poverty cannot afford medical expenses. The division between the rich and the poor has led to a decline in the average life expectancy and increasing suicide rates in the country, according to the article.
"The so-called US democratic system deprives its citizens of economic, social, and cultural rights, leading to a growing gap between the rich and the poor," it said.
The US government lacks the political will to change the structural roots that lead to the division between the rich and the poor. Instead, it has adopted a series of policies and measures that further widen the gap, the article noted.
READ MORE: China issues report on human rights violations in US
This is closely related to the US political system and the capital interests represented by the US government, it added. The vigorous development of money politics has turned the US government into a spokesperson for the rich.
The persistence of extreme poverty is a political choice made by those in power, according to the article.
It noted that the division between the rich and the poor in the United States will be a stable, long-term trend, and the severe negative impact it has brought on the enjoyment and realization of the human rights of the US people will continue to worsen.