Published: 14:45, September 20, 2020 | Updated: 16:47, June 5, 2023
Pakistan opens bidding to Chinese businesses for mega railway project
By Kaswar Klasra in Islamabad


Pakistan’s railways are to be upgraded and sped up with potential Chinese help.  (PHOTO / PAKRAIL.GOV.PK)

Finally, Pakistan can overhaul its centuries-old railway system with the help of its friendly neighbor China.

For long, passenger trains here run at a maximum speed of only 110 kilometers per hour, and accidents have taken away lives of hundreds over the decades. Freight trains move even slower.

Altogether existing 2,655-kilometer tracks would be upgraded so that passenger train speed could reach 160 km per hour while line capacity would increase from 34 to 171 trains each way per day

But all of this is going to change soon as China is helping Pakistan to advance its railway tracks and stations, as one of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor projects which are changing lives of millions of Pakistanis by refreshing basic infrastructure.

In order to transform its dream into reality, Pakistan Railway has invited bids from Chinese companies to tender for the country’s first and biggest transport sector project —Main Line-1 (ML-1) — from Sept 12 to October 22.

Once completed, the project will increase the speed for passenger services from 65-110km/h to 160km/h, while freight train speeds will increase from 80km/h to 120km/h.

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Keeping in view the expertise and accessibility of Chinese companies, Pakistan authorities have sought bids from Chinese companies only. Moreover, under a framework agreement signed between the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, only Chinese companies or consortia are eligible to participate in the bidding process, the invitation reads. 

Altogether existing 2,655-kilometer tracks would be upgraded so that passenger train speed could reach 160 km per hour while line capacity would increase from 34 to 171 trains each way per day.

Pakistan’s Ministry of Railways has already constituted a project steering committee for the effective supervision and implementation of the project.

The project of Pakistan Railways for “upgradation of Pakistan Railways existing Mainline-1 (ML-1) and establishment of dry port near Havelian” will cost billions, according to official sources. Both Pakistan and China will bear the cost on ‘‘cost sharing’’ basis.

The first package of ML-1 is expected to be completed between January 2021 and December 2024. This package involves construction of 527 km of tracks between Peshawar, Rawalpindi and Lahore.

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The second package, to be completed from January 2022 to December 2026, mainly involves upgrading 521 km of tracks between Lahore and Hyderabad.

The third package will be expected to upgrade 740 km tracks along the Rawalpindi – Peshawar and Hyderabad – Multan lines.

Analysts in Pakistan believe ML1 is the lifeline of CPEC which serves as backbone in Pakistan-China bilateral relationship.

The writer is a freelance journalist for China Daily.