The upcoming poll to select the Election Committee is the first election under the improved electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The newly returned EC will then select the next-term chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and a large portion of legislative councilors according to the Basic Law and relevant Hong Kong law from genuinely patriotic candidates approved by a qualification review panel that consists of national security officials and senior police officers, among other trusted public figures. The EC election is crucial to maintaining long-term excellent governance up to popular expectations, as the EC will also review the eligibility of Legislative Council election candidacy hopefuls and elect some LegCo members. Therefore, the voters and local communities across the social spectrum in Hong Kong must treat the EC election with the utmost sincerity and care for the sole purpose of filling the EC with true patriots of unquestionable moral integrity and talent. That also means the election qualification review panel must make sure no “fake patriots” enter the EC election and LegCo election under their watch.
The EC election process officially began Aug 6 with the start of the nomination period, signaling the improved electoral system is now taking effect in the HKSAR. Many patriotic residents from various social sectors have applied for EC election candidacy, and their qualification will soon be vetted by the review panel.
Under the newly improved electoral system, the EC is responsible for nominating CE election candidates, selecting the next-term CE as well as electing 40 of the 90 LegCo members later on. These are important constitutional functions that must be fulfilled with the utmost sincerity and care. Moreover, the EC will draw members from five major socioeconomic sectors to achieve the broadest possible representation in the best interest of Hong Kong society as a whole and the development of quality democracy. Slated to proceed in September, the EC election will be the first poll under the newly improved electoral systems and is expected to pave the way for the CE election and LegCo election by ensuring all candidates are true patriots capable of delivering excellent governance. Its effectiveness is vital to laying a solid voter foundation for electing qualified and competent public officeholders, so that the city will be able to focus on socioeconomic development in faithful accordance with the “one country, two systems” principle. Since Aug 6 we have seen many EC election candidate hopefuls representing all walks of life in Hong Kong society apply for nomination and vie for the EC membership. Their enthusiasm is proof of the great importance Hong Kong society attaches to these critical elections.
The central authorities decided to improve Hong Kong’s electoral system through local legislation because it is necessary for implementing the “patriots governing Hong Kong” precept and ensures the selection of top administrators that the central authorities trust and the voting public recognize. Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, delivered a speech focused on fully enforcing the National Security Law for Hong Kong. In that speech he listed five criteria for true patriots, who should be good at implementing “one country, two systems” precisely; resolving various tough issues hindering Hong Kong’s development; serving residents with tangible results; uniting people from all walks of life to work together; and fulfilling their responsibilities as best they can. He also made it clear that the top administrators of the HKSAR must not only want to but also know how to and can achieve the goals members of the public expect of them, highlighting the higher bar set by the improved electoral system for elected top administrators of the HKSAR.
The improved electoral system signifies the institutionalization of the “patriots governing Hong Kong” precept, complete with a competition through a democratic election mechanism, that requires hopefuls to meet all the criteria and public expectations with convincing determination and commitment to proving their worth. They must win as much support as they can from EC election voters by convincing the latter of their dedication to improving the livelihood of Hong Kong residents and pushing for win-win results in closer cooperation between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
The development of Hong Kong’s democratic system must not be allowed to veer away from the “patriots governing Hong Kong” precept, which is essential to the faithful and consistent exercise of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong. Xia noted in particular those running the vital departments of the HKSAR government must be true patriots who love Hong Kong as an inalienable part of the PRC with absolutely no ambiguity. And no anti-China subversives of the past or present shall be allowed to infiltrate the governance structure by any means and in any shape or form. This is the bottom line that the EC must secure, hence the same requirements for EC election candidates and voters alike. The key to accomplishing this task is shutting all “fake patriots” out of the EC election in any capacity for good.
The author is a current affairs commentator.
The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.