Published: 16:08, January 31, 2022 | Updated: 18:13, January 31, 2022
State-run universities to reopen in Afghanistan
By Xinhua

Women and teachers demonstrate inside a private school to demand their rights and equal education for women and girls, during a gathering for National Teachers Day, at a private school in Kabul, Afghanistan, Oct 5, 2021. (AHMAD HALABISAZ / FILE / AP)

KABUL - The Taliban-run administration has announced to reopen the state-run universities in Afghanistan, acting minister of Higher Education Shiekh Abdul Baqi Haqqani said.

However, neither the Afghan acting minister of Higher Education Shiekh Abdul Baqi Haqqani nor deputy spokesman of the administration Bilal Karimi made it clear if girls can attend the universities

In a video posted by deputy spokesman of the administration Bilal Karimi said in his Twitter account on Monday, Shiekh Abdul Baqi Haqqani said that the public universities in warmers provinces would be reopened on Feb 2 and in the colder areas would reopen on Feb 26.

Since the Taliban's takeover of the power of the country on Aug 15, all state-run universities have remained closed.

However, neither the acting education minister Haqqani nor Karimi made it clear if girls can attend the universities.

READ MORE: Afghan Taliban administration calls for official recognition

Government officials have promised that girls from all grades can go to school in the new education year begins on March 21.