A lantern show focusing on the Chinese anime series "Heaven Official's Blessing" (天官赐福) is underway at Oh Bay (欢乐港湾), a scenic spot in Shenzhen's Bao'an district.
Zigong lanterns have been set up around the "Light of the Bay Area" Ferris wheel, which has also underwent a facelift for the anime theme. The lantern show runs until Feb 14.
Renowned for their vibrant colors and intricate designs, Zigong lantern is a traditional form of decorative lanterns originating in Zigong, a city in Sichuan province.
"Heaven Official's Blessing" is an 11-episode anime adaptation of a popular online novel. The story follows the relationship between a disgraced prince and a mysterious demon king.
The anime is currently available on streaming platforms including Bilibili, Netflix, Tokyo MX, Funimation and laftel.
How to get there via metro?
This article is translated by China Daily from the original report in Chinese as published on an official WeChat public account of Shenzhen’s tourism bureau.