Published: 02:57, February 24, 2020 | Updated: 23:29, June 5, 2023
Combating COVID-19, protecting economy
By China Daily


Editor's Note: Ever since the novel coronavirus pneumonia exploded into a full-blown COVID-19(named by WHO) epidemic in late January, governments at the national, provincial and local levels in China have worked tirelessly to not only contain the pathogen's spread and save lives but minimize the outbreak's impact on various economic sectors.

Extraordinary policy decisions, supportive measures and financial help were extended in quick time to rescue or protect vulnerable sectors like micro, small and medium enterprises. As the world watched with admiration and disbelief the massive scale of China's stunning fight against COVID-19, the nation's financial institutions, customs departments, telecom operators, internet-based firms, retail giants and myriad other business entities jumped on the virus-warrior bandwagon.

Contributing their financial, production or service might across sectors in creative and innovative ways, they kept the wheels from coming off in the world's second-largest economy that is also the world's largest nation. On this and the next page, China Daily reporters' fascinating accounts from a business perspective record the nation's remarkable resilience in the face of the unexpected, testing socio-economic challenge.
