NEW DELHI — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the global situation in the context of emerging COVID-19 pandemic on Wednesday night over phone, said an official statement issued by India's Ministry of External Affairs.
The two leaders agreed on further consultation and cooperation in adequately addressing all challenges faced by this major global crisis, including those pertaining to health, medicine, scientific research, humanitarian matters and impact on global economy.
The two leaders also agreed to continue their close cooperation for maintaining the excellent momentum and the warm of the cordial and time-tested bilateral relations
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They stressed the significance of international cooperation for jointly fighting COVID-19, including within the framework of G20, according to the ministry statement.
The two leaders also agreed to continue their close cooperation for maintaining the excellent momentum and the warm of the cordial and time-tested bilateral relations.
They reiterated that they looked forward to several opportunities for their interaction in person during the course of the year.
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The Indian PM appreciated the cooperation of Russian authorities in ensuring well-being of Indian students in Russia and hoped that the same would continue. Putin assured all help in this regard.
On the occasion, Modi told Putin that Indian authorities concerned would continue to facilitate in all possible manner the efforts for ensuring the well-being and organised return of Russian nationals, when required, in India.