Published: 06:59, July 8, 2020 | Updated: 14:52, June 5, 2023
Law experts: US 'sanctions' over national security law futile
By Xinhua

BEIJING - Chinese law experts said attempts by Western countries such as the United States to obstruct the law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) by malicious "sanctions" will end in vain.

They mentioned, particularly, the signing into law of the so-called "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019" last November and the recent passage of the so-called "Hong Kong Autonomy Act" by the US Congress.

Chinese law experts said such acts are a gross interference in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs.

Ye Qing, president of East China University of Political Science and Law, said that the moves by the United States are a blatant challenge to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs as enshrined in international law.

As a matter of fact, the "sanctions" by the US side will do more harm to itself than to others, said Tian Feilong, an associate professor at Beihang University.

READ MORE: US sanctions won't shake Beijing's will to ensure national security

If more aggressive financial "sanctions" are implemented, they will seriously harm the interests of US multinationals, Tian said.

Li Xiaobing, a law expert at Nankai University, said if the US side obstinately sticks to the wrong path, the Chinese government and the HKSAR government will take strong countermeasures.

The US side couldn't block the national security legislation for Hong Kong, and its attempts to obstruct the implementation of the law with so-called "sanctions" will not succeed either, Tian added. 
