Published: 11:51, September 18, 2020 | Updated: 16:56, June 5, 2023
White paper: China to increase involvement in UN peacekeeping
By Xinhua

Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon march in a parade at a medal-awarding ceremony held at a camp in southern Lebanon, April 6, 2018. (PHOTO / XINHUA)

BEIJING - China will continue to firmly support and participate in the United Nations' (UN) peacekeeping operations, according to a white paper released by the State Council Information Office Friday.

China will continue to fulfill its responsibilities as a major country, scale up support for and involvement in the peacekeeping operations, and join forces with other countries to promote a sound and reasonable UN peacekeeping reform, according to the white paper titled China's Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations.

Chinese peacekeepers have left their footprints in over 20 countries and regions, making a tremendous contribution to facilitating the peaceful settlement of disputes, safeguarding regional security and stability, and promoting economic and social development in host nations, according to a white paper released by the State Council Information Office

China's armed forces will endeavor to play a stronger role in the peacekeeping operations, comprehensively improve peacekeeping capability, faithfully fulfill their responsibilities, and contribute more to world peace.

Serving on the UN missions for world peace, China's armed forces have become a key force in UN peacekeeping operations over the past three decades, according to the document.

ALSO READ: China expanding association with UN peacekeeping from year to year

China said in the white paper that the armed forces have sent over 40,000 peacekeepers to 25 UN peacekeeping missions over the past 30 years.

Chinese peacekeepers have left their footprints in over 20 countries and regions, making a tremendous contribution to facilitating the peaceful settlement of disputes, safeguarding regional security and stability, and promoting economic and social development in host nations, according to the white paper.

China's armed forces have also cooperated on peacekeeping with over 90 countries and 10 international and regional organizations.

The white paper is the first that's issued by the Chinese government on Chinese armed forces' participation in UN peacekeeping operations, said Senior Colonel Ren Guoqiang, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, at a press conference following the release of the document.

It also includes a timeline of Chinese armed forces' activities in the UN peacekeeping operations.

Lauding China's contributions to the operations, Senior Colonel Pan Qinghua said at the press conference that 16 Chinese service personnel sacrificed their lives in the cause. The names of the 16 fallen heroes were included in the white paper in tribute to them, Pan said.

China is the second largest contributor of funding to the UN peacekeeping missions and the largest troop-contributing country among the permanent members of the UN Security Council, said Major General Luo Wei of the Ministry of National Defense, adding that the numbers are a strong testimony to China's contributions to the cause.

China backs refining UNSC mandates on peacekeeping

China said in the white paper it supports the UN efforts to refine the Security Council's mandates on peacekeeping.

The Security Council mandates are the basis and guidelines for UN peacekeeping missions, and a decisive factor in the legitimacy and effectiveness of the UN peacekeeping operations.

China also supports the UN in improving the peacekeeping system.

With a focus on the primary tasks of the UN peacekeeping operations, a bigger share of limited resources should be allocated to development, China said in the white paper. Only by giving equal attention to development and security and by addressing both the symptoms and root causes of conflict can sustainable peace be assured, it added. 

READ MORE: Chinese official pledges to do more for UN peacekeeping

Peacekeeping partnerships

This apart, China said it backs the UN's efforts to improve peacekeeping partnerships.

China's armed forces will actively respond to the triangular cooperation initiated by the UN, and provide all possible support to other troop-contributing countries and regional and sub-regional organizations in terms of technology, equipment, personnel and funding.

China said in the white paper that it will continue to build the 8,000-troop peacekeeping standby force and maintain a high level of preparedness.

Surface ships, rapid response units and other capabilities can be provided to the UN peacekeeping operations if needed, according to the white paper.

READ MORE: China takes the lead in UN peacekeeping

Chinese peacekeepers march during a parade marking the People's Republic of China's 70th anniversary in Beijing on Oct 1, 2019. (WANG ZHUANGFEI / CHINADAILY.COM.CN)

Funding for peacekeeping operations

China has established a China-UN Peace and Development Fund to support the UN efforts for peace and advance multilateral cooperation, according to the white paper.

From 2016 to 2019, the fund financed 52 peace and security projects to a total value of US$33.62 million, and 23 of these projects were in support of the UN peacekeeping operations, which cost US$10.38 million, according to the document.

China's peacekeeping helicopter unit

A peacekeeping helicopter unit deployed by China's armed forces adapted itself to the unknown complexities of overseas missions and fulfilled multiple high-risk tasks, according to the white paper.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army sent its first peacekeeping helicopter unit of 140 troops to the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) in August 2017. The unit, comprising four medium multi-purpose helicopters, has become an essential airborne arm of UNAMID and a pillar of the UN peacekeeping operations in Darfur, according to the document.

Ensuring peacekeepers' safety

With a view to fully protecting the safety, security and health of peacekeepers, China advocates a systematic approach to addressing the increasing traditional and non-traditional security threats, according to the white paper.

China stands for comprehensive UN solutions to strengthen information collection and sharing, reinforce early warning and risk awareness, upgrade security equipment and facilities, improve medical services, and enhance the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

READ MORE: Full Text: China's Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations

Safety measures amid pandemic

China has adopted multiple measures to ensure the safety of its peacekeepers around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, a military official said at a press conference after the release of the white paper.

China's central military authorities have attached great importance to protecting overseas peacekeepers and adopted four important measures, said Luo Wei, director general of the peacekeeping affairs center of the Ministry of National Defense.

The measures include establishing a response mechanism and imposing strict control on gatherings, Luo said, adding that China is also well-prepared in ensuring medical supply and providing medical treatment.

According to Luo, the peacekeepers are required to make strict preparations before dispatch and undergo quarantine upon their return. "All Chinese peacekeepers overseas are in good health," Luo said. 

Female peacekeepers

China's female peacekeepers play a crucial and unique role in promoting gender equality and women's rights, Luo said.

They are very important in preventing and resolving conflicts as well as promoting peace and development, the official said.

Over the past 30 years, the Chinese armed forces have sent more than 1,000 female officers to participate in UN peacekeeping operations, he said. At present, China has 85 female military personnel serving in peacekeeping missions at the UN headquarters, as well as working in other missions.