Published: 10:06, October 20, 2020 | Updated: 14:05, June 5, 2023
HK govt to withdraw bills on vacancy tax, franchised taxis
By ​Wang Zhan

HONG KONG – The Hong Kong government has decided not to proceed with work relating to the introduction of special rates on vacant first-hand private home and franchised taxis in this legislative session.

The Transport and Housing Bureau said the decision was made after taking into account the latest economic situation, the community’s views and previous comments made by the relevant bills committees.

The Hong Kong government has decided to withdraw the Rating (Amendment) Bill 2019 and the the Franchised Taxi Services Bill after balancing various considerations, according to a spokesperson for the Transport and Housing Bureau

The Rating (Amendment) Bill 2019 aims to implement the proposed special rates to encourage a more timely supply of first-hand private residential units.

At the two bills committee meetings held in June this year, members expressed very divergent views on the proposed introduction of special rates. There are also differing views in the community.

ALSO READ: Hong Kong could halt plan for vacancy tax on apartments

As for the Franchised Taxi Services Bill, it seeks to introduce franchised taxis to meet the new demand in the community for personalized and point-to-point public transport services of a higher quality with an online hailing feature.

While some believed that introducing franchised taxis could enhance competition, some members of the bills committee were concerned the move would further aggravate the operating difficulties faced by the industry amid the economic downturn. 

READ MORE: Taxi industry under pressure

The government has decided to withdraw both bills after balancing various considerations, according to a spokesperson in a press release issued by the bureau on Monday.

The bureau will withdraw the two bills later in accordance with the relevant Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council, the spokesperson said.