Published: 16:45, March 22, 2021 | Updated: 21:51, June 4, 2023
White Australia balloons in racist view of Asians
By Bruce Haigh

Racism, fear and lack of moral courage sees Australia tied to a declining United States of America, suffering, as a result, a lack of self-respect, independence and a viable and progressive relationship with its largest trading partner.

It might surprise Australian politicians that the Chinese would like the same respect as that shown to the Americans. They would like to be on an equal footing with the new American administration

It followed Great Britain until the British withdrew from Asia and the Pacific in the 1950s for the Americans to fill the gap. And the conservative Australian administrations adopted American their world views.

Ever fearful of its environment Australia signed a collective defence agreement with the United States in 1951 to cover the security of the Pacific.

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Lacking self confidence Australia has clung to the treaty which it views as an insurance policy requiring regular contributions. So the government put Australia into US war in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The case of Afghanistan had the unintended consequence of Australian special forces committing war crimes. To date the conservative government which sent them there has shown every inclination of sweeping the initial investigation under the carpet. This is a terrible consequence of having stupidly followed the Americans into a meaningless war.

Why do Australians follow the Americans so blindly and before them the British? As noted above a lack of self-confidence has been a motivating factor but equally an inferiority complex which has seen Australians gawk at American exceptionalism and braggadocio. A lack of self-respect is also in play as evinced through the treatment of Indigenous Australians and refugees.

Yet the ugliness of racism sits just beneath the surface in Australia. The white political, business and military establishment is comfortable in dealing with America and Europe, far less so with Africa and Asia. The racism of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan was aided and abetted by the racism of the LNP government which treated refugees as a lesser group and referred to them as terrorists.

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The training of ADF officers occurs within the framework of going to war with the US. There is no independence of thought because Australia has no independent foreign or defence policy. Defence procurement is similarly governed. Whatever is purchased must have interoperability with US defence hardware. And our defence spending is profligate.

Defence analyst, Brian Toohey, describes it as mind boggling and ill thought through. We are purchasing submarines not yet designed, for delivery between 2030 and 2050 to operate with US submarines in the South China Sea for a current cost of US$90 billion.  Others include purchases of fighters off the design board and new frigates, and joint development of hypersonic cruise missiles.

In terms of our region this is a massive overspend unless the country sees the major trading partner as an enemy. And why so? Is it because the erstwhile military ally does? It makes no sense. Instead of recognizing the dynamics of trading relationship with China and upping the level of diplomatic and cultural ties, Australia has downgraded them.

Incumbent Australian administration talks about defending sovereignty against China but that has already been ceded for no good reason to America. One wonders if the top politicians realise how much of Australian sovereignty has been passed to the US with their base, known as Pine Gap, in the Northern Territory? There are other US bases and facilities in Australia to which Australians have limited access.

The government’s attitude toward the Chinese government and people is condescending and racist. They are seen as inferior compared to Europeans. The politicians’  racism is exemplified by their treatment of refugees. Their contempt was there for all to see in the tone and thrust of their call for an international inquiry into the so-called origins of COVID-19 in God forbid, the wet markets of Wuhan. Their sneer of ‘wet markets’ and the desire to punish amplified in the arrogance of the underlying message, “who do these uncivilized people think they are foisting a deadly virus on us”. Recent reports of virus findings in Europe and the US earlier than in Wuhan only further expose their hypocrisy and fallacy.

So, despite the nation’s best interests white Australia will cut off its nose to spite its face. White America and white Australia remain members of a dwindling club. America is worried that the family firm is under threat but can’t bring itself to modernize. Australia as shareholders on the farm is going to be taken to the cleaners.

It might surprise Australian politicians that the Chinese would like the same respect as that shown to the Americans. They would like to be on an equal footing with the new American administration. They do not want to be spoken down to.

Asia seems to see Australia much as Africa viewed white Apartheid South Africa. They are waiting for basic change to take place. They are waiting for Australia to find the guts to establish its place in the region, and the world, independent of the old failing firm.

The author is a political commentator and retired diplomat. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.