America is falling into a trap. It thinks the future will be decided by military dominance, despite losing one war after another. China, on the other hand, recognizes that the future will be decided by economics.
Pearls and Irritations has posted an outstanding series of articles by Percy Allan on the so called “China Threat”. He highlighted that America is deeply divided and that promoting the China threat helps unite Americans; that unlike the UK and the US, China has no imperial legacy; that unlike the Soviet Union, China is not exporting ideology; that China is concerned about managing its large ethnic and religious minorities; and that surrounded by scores of US bases, China’s military is defensive.
Most important of all Percy Allan emphasises that China’s focus is economic.
Western media including in Australia has become quite unhinged about the China threat. Our political ‘leadership’ slavishly follows Washington propaganda conducted mainly through the help of security agencies and the Five Eyes.
The China threat agencies are unwilling to stand back and consider the following.
Unlike Australia, China has land borders with fourteen countries. Protecting those borders is critical for China.
The question the anti-China hawks should answer is what nations are China planning to conquer and occupy and if so, when? Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia?
While America is stitching up military alliances, China is expanding its economic alliances especially with the Global South which is more interested in development than confrontation. There is a growing and influential world beyond the Anglosphere which we cling to.
China recognizes that the future rests with the BRICS which is adding new membership. While America and its closest allies waste money on a military buildup, China is investing in economic partners.
China’s strategy is to outflank America economically, technologically, and diplomatically by making it the partner of choice for third world countries by offering them infrastructure (Belt & Road Initiative), technology (Digital Silk Road) and markets (Strategic Economic Partnerships).
By contrast America offers them military pacts to confront China since it’s too protectionist to grant them free trade, too insular to encourage US investment and too self centred to offer more aid.
America is falling into a trap. It thinks the future will be decided by military dominance despite losing one war after another.
China recognizes that the future will be decided by economics, which is especially important for development in the Global South.
The US is intoxicated by its grandiose belief in its own “exceptionalism”. It is unable and unwilling to read the signs of the time.
John Menadue is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Pearls and Irritations. He was formerly Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet under Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser, Ambassador to Japan, Secretary of the Department of Immigration and CEO of Qantas.
The article first appeared in PEARLS & IRRITATIONS
The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.