Published: 01:26, May 5, 2020 | Updated: 03:15, June 6, 2023
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‘Burning together’ extreme stupidity
By Staff Writer

The public holidays this past weekend gave Hong Kong residents some much-needed relief from months of mental stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people enjoyed a few days of sunshine and fresh air while Hong Kong reported no local infections. There is no doubt the SAR is overcoming unprecedented challenges posed by not just the global viral pandemic but also by some evil genius in the form of criminal behavior by brainwashed local youths. Those who participated in acts of public nuisance and vandalism over the last few days may have been well-paid for risking their futures trying to please some external forces desperate to hurt China in one way or another. But they were only inflicting pain and suffering on their hometown, including their families, relatives, friends, neigbhors and themselves by resorting to such extreme stupidity — which only serves the interests of anti-China foreign forces.

Foreign politicians hostile to China, particularly those in Washington, and their media cheerleaders have been encouraging such political radicalism in Hong Kong by churning out deceitful narratives under shiny catchphrases such as “democracy”, “rights” and “freedom” as well as by glorifying youthful impulsiveness and recklessness. A great portion of Hong Kong residents have realized that heartless foreign politicians care only about their own political interests. They will stop at nothing to benefit at the expense of other countries and the well-being of their own people. However, sadly, there are some local residents and young people, in particular, have yet to see the truth.

It is apparently for the goal of winning the upcoming Legislative Council election this fall that opposition politicians in Hong Kong are also trying hard to hoodwink our youngsters and turn them into foot soldiers. These brainwashed young people may or may not know that their sacrifices will only do more damage to the overall interests of Hong Kong. But there is still time for right-minded citizens to save these misguided young people from self-ruin. Otherwise, they will suffer lifelong guilt and regret. It’s time they understood they are being used as expendable tools to promote partisan interests at the expense of the overall interests of society.