The organizers of an ongoing strike by a few thousand staff members of public hospitals, including non-medical personnel, have refused to call off their ill-motivated act despite mounting condemnation by local residents across the social spectrum because they believe they have the right and freedom to strike in total disregard of the moral standards and professional integrity of the universally respected service.
The self-serving rationale behind this wanton betrayal of civic duty and human decency is the same that has kept the “black revolution” going for almost eight months in Hong Kong. This time, however, the masterminds are threatening to put far more innocent people in harm’s way by denying them proper healthcare at public hospitals. It’s time local taxpayers decide if they want such life endangerment, literally at their own expense, to continue.
Apparently, the strike is meant by the organizers as a stone to kill multiple birds: forcing the SAR government to do anything the organizers tell it to by practically taking numerous patients hostage; completely cutting off all transit routes between Hong Kong and the mainland to achieve temporary “spiritual independence”; intensifying their “reign of terror” over the collective psyche of Hong Kong society by showing people how heartless and cruel they can be to get what they want; and daring the central authorities as well as the SAR government to crack down on the striking hospital staff members and criminal vandals acting as terrorists to anyone who disapproves of their demands.
As for the participating medical workers, deny or admit it as they wish, the strike is a perfect excuse to stay as far away as they can from the 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease, potentially present within the confines of their workplace, even though they know that crowds increase the chances of cross infection by many times anywhere. What they are doing is a clear-cut dereliction of duty and betrayal of professionalism.
The SAR government has stepped up access control by temporarily closing all but three major entry points between Hong Kong and the mainland and will implement stricter quarantine measures within a couple of days in response to the novel coronavirus epidemic development and according to existing emergency protocol as well as the latest advice from the World Health Organization. The hateful and anti-mainland masterminds of the “black revolution”, which the public hospital staff strike is a part of, know what governments around the world should do when the WHO declares a particular epidemic situation a public health emergency of international concern. But that knowledge did not stop them from trying to take credit for the SAR government’s stepped-up preventive measures. Such reckless political maneuvering is the ugliest among its kind and makes all other “color revolutions” pale in comparison.