That Lithuania has announced that it will not send government officials to attend the Beijing Winter Olympic Games adds nothing of substance to the political farce the United States is orchestrating against China.
The "diplomatic boycott" of the Games by the US and its gang just reinforces the fact that the US and its cronies are out to make trouble for China however and whenever they can.
The Olympic Games, being an international sports event, has nothing to do with politics. By declaring that their officials will not attend the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the US and its lackeys are trying to make an issue out of nothing.
China has never extended an invitation to these countries for their government officials' attendance at the Games. Therefore, there is no snub to make. It is not the host country that issues such invitations. According to the rules of the International Olympic Committee, it is the Olympic committee of a specific country that invites its own country's government officials to attend such sports events. Even the IOC does not extend such an invitation. If these governments are rejecting invitations, it is their own Olympic committees that they are being discourteous to.
By announcing their government officials are not attending the Games, the governments of these countries have just revealed their inflated ideas of their own importance.
It is the competitive sportsmanship that matters to the success of such an international sports event. China will provide all conditions for athletes to perform to the best of their abilities.
The participation of all the athletes in the Olympic Games has nothing to do with politics. To do their best for the best result within their capability should be their only concern. China will do its utmost to ensure that the material preparations for the Games, such as the venues and other relevant conditions, facilitate the performance of the athletes.
Such an event should never be turned into a platform for stump politics. Any move to take advantage of such an international sports event for political purposes will contaminate the sporting spirit.
The Olympic Games stand for unity, mutual understanding, friendship and fair play; to politicize the event as the US and its posse are doing spins the Olympic Spirit about-face, revealing their prejudice, animosity and mean gamesmanship.
The blustering self-importance of the US and its followers makes these countries stand out for all the wrong reasons. Yet they take it for granted that their grandstanding will be applauded despite the exposure of the dirty way they go about their business.
China has the support of the majority of countries for its Beijing Winter Olympic Games. The noise to politicize the Games will be anything but an obstacle to the success of the Games.