Published: 14:19, April 29, 2022 | Updated: 08:57, April 30, 2022
Lee vows to build efficient govt, and caring, competitive city
By Li Bingcun

Chief Executive hopeful John Lee Ka-chiu announces his election platform at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai on April 29, 2022. (CALVIN NG/CHINA DAILY)

HONG KONG - Chief executive candidate John Lee Ka-chiu unveiled his political platform on Friday, vowing to improve governance, boost the city’s land and housing supply, bolster Hong Kong’s competitiveness, and build a caring society that emphasizes youth development.

Lee made the remarks at a media briefing at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai. The event included many representatives of district and grassroots sectors.

READ MORE: HK groups make proposals for John Lee's platform

Lee said he will bolster the government’s ability to execute and coordinate, and will establish an emergency mechanism to better mobilize the civil service when dealing with public crises. He also will set up designated support teams in 18 districts and create a wide volunteer network.


On the housing issue, Lee vowed to streamline procedures, accelerate infrastructure construction, and adopt multipronged approaches to tackle the deep-seated problem.

John Lee plans to allow residents waiting for public housing to move in the estates if the residential buildings are completed, even if infrastructure support is not. He estimates it will cut the public’s waiting time by about a year

He plans to allow residents waiting for public housing to move in the estates if the residential buildings are completed, even if infrastructure support is not. He estimates it will cut the public’s waiting time by about a year.

Lee will also set up two new task forces that will be led by secretary-level officials to better coordinate the provision of public housing and the supply of land and housing.

Lee said there have been many plans to boost the land and housing supply, but now it’s time to put words into action, which is also why he pledged to improve the government’s ability to execute.


To make the city more competitive, Lee envisions consolidating the city’s advantages in finance and legal areas, and go all-out to develop the city into a global inno-tech center and culture hub.

The potential of the planned Northern Metropolis will be fully unleashed. It will also be a bridgehead to strengthen the connection with the Chinese mainland, Lee added.

Attendees line up to receive hard copies of Chief Executive hopeful John Lee Ka-chiu's election manifesto during a press conference, April 29, 2022. (CALVIN NG / CHINA DAILY)

Caring society

In announcing the manifesto, Lee said an important message in the guiding principles of his policy direction and manifesto is the “togetherness” within the government and in the society

The medical health system will be optimized to offer greater care to older adults, and the government will strive to help the younger generation move up the social ladder, Lee said.

He also put forward an innovative pilot program that will invite enterprises and social organizations to offer training to 1,000 secondary students living in subdivided flats, to help them seek better development opportunities. The program is expected to last two to three years.

Lee also pledges to strengthen young people’s and teacher’s national identity and their understanding of the nation.

READ MORE: Lee seeks views of grassroots families, ethnic minorities

In announcing the manifesto, Lee said an important message in the guiding principles of his policy direction and manifesto is the “togetherness” within the government and in the society.

Lee has actively collecting views for the platform through various means. Besides meeting with leaders of different sectors and inviting the general public to leave comments online, he also reached out to the communities to listen to the demands of grassroots residents.

He said the platform focuses on his major political visions and may not cover every aspect. For issues not included in the platform, he will explain them to the public later. If he is elected, he will also give detail account of his initiatives in the Policy Address.

The chief executive election will take place on May 8, when the nearly 1,500 Election Committee members will cast their votes for the city’s next top leader.